* Re: The immigration debate as a study in voter fraud

Topics: Democracy
14 Jun 2007

From: Ervan Darnell

True. I missed a symmetry here. Jeb Bush over excluding possible felons in Florida is the classic example.

At 08:54 PM 6/14/2007, Clive Woodward wrote:
>Ervan Darnell wrote:
>>side is just as bad. Dims are more given to voter fraud and thus more likely to be prosecuted for it. To fail to prosecute voter fraud is inherently a handout to the Dims and to prosecute vigorously a hand out to the Rips (since any such prosecution will harm some legit efforts and scare people away from aggressive registration in other cases). Now I don't mean that the Dims are inherently of lower moral caliber than the Rips (both approximating zero once elected), but only that Rip-leaning voters are more likely to vote. Thus, there isn't as much opportunity for chicanery on that side is there is for the Dims rounding various uninformed people and cajoling them to vote.
>The Republican's have more opportunity for chicanery on the vote suppression side of the ledger is all.
>Ragnar mailing list

Ervan Darnell
ervan@kelvinist.com http://www.kelvinist.com

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