blood for oil?

Topics: foreign policy
25 Apr 2008

From: Ervan Darnell

>RAY SUAREZ: Democrats in Congress called for the president today to pressure OPEC, the trade cartel of oil-producing countries, to pump more oil. They said failure to act would risk Congress holding up arms deals with Saudi Arabia and other OPEC states.
>But a White House spokeswoman warned, "Arms deals are not favors that we do for our friends. They're in our national strategic interests."

I don't know if it's in our national strategic interest to sell arms to Saudi Arabia or not. But, the Democrats aren't contesting that. They are instead (having accepted that premise) compromising our national security just to lower gas prices for a bit. That sounds like blood for oil to me, just what liberals (though not usually Democratic party leaders) accuse Bush of.

Ervan Darnell

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