Obama on labor union "card check"

Topics: Campaign2008
14 May 2008

From: Ervan Darnell

The oxymoronicly entitled "Employee Free Choice Act" would allow union
representatives to collect unionizing votes on open petitions and not
need to take a secret ballot [2]. The opportunity for abuse is
obvious. I also wonder how hard it would be to withdraw a signature on
a petition once given. Do the unions get a too-generous time frame to
get enough? One of the historical arguments for secret ballots (for
political elections) is so that your employer cannot impose undue
influence (in towns dominated by a single manufacturing company). I
thought liberals were big fans of exactly this. But, now we see they
are not when a secret ballot doesn't produce more power for their
interest group [1]. Obama and Clinton are both in favor of this.
McCain opposes it. Let them propose getting rid of the secret ballot
for the presidential election first to see if they are serious.

[1] http://www.reason.com/news/show/126018.html
[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Employee_Free_Choice_Act
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