Re: Honest Employment Numbers.

Topics: Misc
28 Mar 1995

From: "DG Ervan Darnell"

rosene@cs.UMD.EDU wrote:

> [According to Clinton] six million jobs
>represent 1.6 percent employment. So, the work force is oh, about 350 million.
>(in an annoying voice) I don't think so.

You have not mastered liberal-math-think ;-). Lowering the projected rates
of increase of spending is reported as a budget cut. Similarly, the
administration believes unemployment would have gone up without their
various bits of petty socialism. Clinton did not say he caused 6M *more*
jobs, rather he said that he *created* 6M jobs. He's not telling you how
many he destroyed, or how many he was estimating would have been destroyed
by evil capitalists who prefer that no one actually works, had it not been
for his policies. Under Clinton's accounting, a complete takeover of the
economy by the government would create 100M jobs even with a rising
unemployment rate (and crashing real wages).
